JavaScript Intermediate
In this campaign, you will enhance your JavaScript skills by learning how to use Classes, Constructor functions, Switch Statements for basic statistics, JavaScript array functions, calculating the Fibonacci sequence, and implementing Try-Catch-Finally statements for error handling in your code.
📄️ JavaScript Classes
In this quest, you will learn about JavaScript Classes, which are blueprints for creating objects with similar properties and behaviors. You'll understand when to use classes versus functions, create private functions and variables within classes, explore variable scope in JavaScript, and create instances of a class to build super-classes.
📄️ Switch Statements
In this quest, you'll create a web app to learn about and use JavaScript's Switch Statements. The app lets users input numbers, choose a statistic to calculate, and uses Switch Statements to select the formula. You'll also learn how to work with the DOM using VanillaJS.
📄️ Try-Catch-Finally Statements
In this quest, you'll create a web app to calculate the Fibonacci Sequence while using Try-Catch Statements to handle erroneous user inputs and raise errors for validation checks.