Web Development with React I
In this campaign, you'll learn how to use React to build modern and responsive websites that cater to different devices. You'll explore various concepts such as building modals, working with session and local storage, creating beautiful charts, and displaying different file types. By the end, you'll have the skills to develop interactive and engaging web applications using React.
📄️ Photo Gallery App
In this quest, you'll learn how to implement GraphQL subscriptions in React using the Apollo Client library. GraphQL subscriptions allow you to receive real-time updates from the server, enabling you to build interactive and dynamic applications. By the end of this quest, you'll understand the relationship between GraphQL subscriptions and React, and be able to incorporate real-time functionalities into your React applications
📄️ Kanban App
In this quest, we'll create a Kanban web application to organize tasks. Users can move task cards between buckets (To Do, In Progress, Completed) to track their progress. We'll use React Draggable for drag-and-drop functionality and store data in local storage using the useEffect hook. By the end, you'll perform CRUD operations on cards and build a functional Kanban app.
📄️ Multimedia Application
In this quest, we'll create a local file manager web application to display images, videos, audio, and PDF documents. We'll also include a chart to visualize the types of assets in the file server. Users can rename and delete files. By the end of this quest, you'll be able to build a functional file manager with media display and management features